JSON Object



KeyTypeFormatCNDLegacy API parameterDescription
subMIDSubMerchantID assigned from the Payment Facilitator and provided in the request to identify its sub-merchants during transaction flow. Please clarify beforehand with 1cs Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDNameName of the SubMerchantID. Card schemes require this value to be populated in the below format: subMerchantName=payFacName*subMIDName (PF Name-Asterix-sub merchantName)
Payment Facilitator name must be represented within (3, 7 or 12 characters) Please clarify beforehand with 1cs Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDAddrCityTown/city of the SubMerchantID Please clarify beforehand with Computop Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDAddrCountryCodeCountry code of the SubMerchantID according to ISO-3166-1, alphanumeric 2 chars Please clarify beforehand with Computop Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDAddrStreetStreet of the SubMerchantID Please clarify beforehand with Computop Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDAddrZipPostcode of the SubMerchantID Please clarify beforehand with Computop Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.
subMIDAddrStateFederal State of the SubMerchantID Please clarify beforehand with Computop Merchant Services team if this parameter is required for the respective processing Acquirer.



  “$schema”: “http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#“,

  “$id”: “http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#“,

  “title”: “subMerchantPF”,

  “description”: “Daten bezüglich eines Sub-Händlers als Teil eines Payment Facilitator Modells”,

  “type”: “object”,

  “properties”: {

    “subMerchantID”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Vom Payment Facilitator vergebene SubMerchantID”


    “subMerchantName”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Kartenschemes erfordern dieses Wert ausgefüllt im folgenden Format: ‘payFacName*subMIDName’. Der Name des Payment Facilitators muss mit 3, 7 oder 12 Zeichen dargestellt werden.”


    “subMerchantCity”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Stadt/Ort der SubMerchantID”


    “subMerchantCountry”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Ländercode der SubMerchantID gemäß ISO-3166-1, alphanumerisch 2 Zeichen”


    “subMerchantStreet”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Straße der SubMerchantID”


    “subMerchantZIP”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Postleitzahl der SubMerchantID”


    “subMerchantState”: {

      “type”: “string”,

      “description”: “Bundesstaat der SubMerchantID”



  “additionalProperties”: false








    “subMerchantStreet”:”Abtsberg” ,

    “subMerchantZIP”:”96049″ ,

