1 About easyCredit

1.1 General information about easyCredit

Since 2003 TeamBank AG is a member of the Genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe and with its product easyCredit the expert for hire purchase of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken. Under the name easyCredit-Ratenkauf the TeamBank AG offers a hire purchase solution which combines a simple and consistently designed fire purchase function for E-Commerce and Point of Sale (PoS).

The customer needs only a few to get his ratenkauf by easyCredit: select article, calculate preferred rate, enter personal data and pay. All without paperworks, with immediate confirmation and full flexibility during the period. Simple and fair hire purchase with easyCredit-Ratenkauf.


EasyCredit is a provider of hire purchase and purchase on invoice in Germany. After the customer is forwarded to easyCredit they undertake the calculation of all possible installments.Payments by Invoice and Installments EN

Further information can be found on the webpage of easyCredit (https://www.easycredit.de/).

1.2 Process flow chart

easyCredit process flow

2 1cs Online Payment System interface

2.1 Definitions

2.1.1 Data formats

asalphabetical with special characters
ansalphanumeric with special characters
nsnumeric with special characters
boolboolean expression (true or false)
3fixed length with 3 digits/characters
..3variable length with maximum 3 digits/characters
enumenumeration of allowed values
dttmISODateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)

2.1.2 Abbreviations

MmandatoryIf a parameter is mandatory, then it must be present
OoptionalIf a parameter is optional, then it can be present, but it is not required
CconditionalIf a parameter is conditional, then there is a conditional rule which specifies whether it is mandatory or optional

Notice: Please note that the names of parameters can be returned in upper or lower case.

2.2 easyCredit purchase on invoice and hire purchase

In order to initialise an installment payment with easyCredit via a the 1cs Online Payment System form, go to the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant´s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the helpdesk, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). The minimum and maximal value for easyCredit is 200-5000€.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: Currency table
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
Termn..2ODuration in months. If applicable here the duration can be preset with a value the customer has already selected for the example calculation.
EventTokenenumMDefines the request to be made at easyCredit: <INT> for initialising the transaction
URLSuccessans..256MComplete URL which calls up the 1cs Online Payment System if payment has been successful. The URL may be called up only via port 443 This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between the 1cs Online Payment System and shop, please use the parameter UserData. Common notes: We recommend to use parameter “response=encrypt” to get an encrypted response by 1cs Online Payment System
However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess. Therefore ensure to check the “code”-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of “code=00000000” should be considered successful.
URLFailureans..256MComplete URL which calls up the 1cs Online Payment System if payment has been unsuccessful. The URL may be called up only via port 443 This URL may not contain parameters: In order to exchange values between the 1cs Online Payment System and shop, please use the parameter UserData. Common notes: We recommend to use parameter “response=encrypt” to get an encrypted response by 1cs Online Payment System
However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess/URLNotify. Therefore ensure to check the “code”-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of “code=00000000” should be considered successful.
Responsea7OStatus response sent by the 1cs Online Payment System to URLSuccess and URLFailure, should be encrypted. For this purpose, transmit Response=encrypt parameter.
URLNotifyans..256MComplete URL which the 1cs Online Payment System calls up in order to notify the shop about the payment result. The URL may be called up only via port 443 It may not contain parameters: Use the UserData parameter instead. Common notes: We recommend to use parameter “response=encrypt” to get an encrypted response by 1cs Online Payment System
However, fraudster may just copy the encrypted DATA-element which are sent to URLFailure and send the DATA to URLSuccess/URLNotify. Therefore ensure to check the “code”-value which indicates success/failure of the action. Only a result of “code=00000000” should be considered successful.
UserDataans..1024OIf specified at request, the 1cs Online Payment System forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop
Personal details Notice: If personal details are submitted then this group must be transferred completely.
Salutationa..15CSalutation MR or MRS
FirstNameans..50CFirst name
LastNameans..50CLast name
DateOfBirthdttmCDate of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Occupation data Notice: If occupation data are submitted then this group must be transferred completely.
MonthlyNetIncomen..12CMonthly net income of the customer in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent).
Invoicing address Notice: If an invoicing address is given, then this must be transferred completely.
bdStreetNrans..5CStreet number
bdAddressAdditiona..50CAddress c/o
bdCountryCodea2CCountry code for the invoicing address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166 Presently only DE is allowed.
Delivery address Notice: If an delivery address is given, then this must be transferred completely.
PackingStationan..30OPacking station
sdStreetNrans..5CStreet number
sdAddressAdditiona..50CAddress c/o
sdCountryCodea2CCountry code for the delivery address, 2 characters according to ISO 3166 Presently only DE is allowed.
Contact data
Emailans..50MEmail address of the customer
MobileNrans..50OCustomer’s mobile telephone number
Bank data
IBANans..34OCustomer’s IBAN
BICan..11OCustomer’s BIC
Further customer data
Phoneans..15OCustomer’s phone number
TitleenumOTitle of the customer. Possible entries are: <PROFDR> for Prof. Dr. <DR> for Dr. <PROF> for Prof. <DRDR> for Dr. Dr.
MaidenNameans..50OMaiden name
PlaceOfBirthans..50OPlace of birth
Risk-relevant data
CustomerStatusenumOCustomer’s status at the webshop. Possible entries are: <NEUKUNDE> <BESTANDSKUNDE> <PREMIUMKUNDE>
CustomerSincedttmOStart of customer relation at the webshop in the format YYYY-MM-DD
CustomerLoggedInenumOFlag if order is made from a registered customer with login or from a guest: <YES> Customer was logged in <NO> Customer has ordered as a guest
NumberArticlesn..5ONumber or articles within basket
NumberOrdersn..10ONumber of previous orders within the webshop
NegativePaymentInfoenumONegative payment information about the customer. Possible entries are: <KEINE_ZAHLUNGSSTOERUNGEN> <ZAHLUNGSVERZOEGERUNG> <ZAHLUNGSAUSFALL> <KEINE_INFORMATION>
RiskArticlesenumOMerchant’s assessment if there is a solvency crucial article within the basket. Possible entries are: <YES> There is a solvency crucial article within the basket <NO> There is no solvency crucial article within the basket
Article list:
ArticleListans..1024OBasket information (incl. article numbers) for the articles ordered with hire purchase. These date can have some influence on the credit decision. The article list must be created in JSON format. Example: Afterwards the article list created in JSON format must be Base64 encoded.

Parameters for easyCredit ratenkauf

The following table describes the result parameters that the 1cs Online Payment System transmits to your URLSuccess or URLFailure and URLNotify. If you have specified the Response=encrypt parameter, the following parameters are sent Blowfish encrypted to your system:

  • pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant´s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MAUTHORIZE_REQUEST (URLSuccess) and FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
UserDataans..1024OIf specified upon call, the 1cs Online Payment System forwards the parameter with the payment result to the shop.
CodeExtans..1024OError code from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support

Response parameters for URLSuccess and URLFailure with easyCredit ratenkauf

2.3 Retrieve information about payment by installments

In order to retrieve the data for descision, general transaction as well as financing data in case of e successfully established payment by installments via a server to server connection with easyCredit, please call the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). The minimum and maximal value for easyCredit is 200-5000€.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines the request to be made at easyCredit: <DEC> loads decision date for a previous initialization <PRO> loads general transaction data for a previous initialization <FIN> loads financing data for a previous initialization <GET> With this EventToken the three requests <DEC>, <PRO> and <FIN> can be triggered with one call (recommended).

Parameters for retrieving installment information from easyCredit ratenkauf

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs online payment system responds to your system

  • be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant´s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
Decisionans..1024OContains decision data for a previous initialization. There are returned in JSON format and Base64 encoded. Example JSON format (already Base64 decoded): Notice: Important within this answer is the “decision result” below “decision”. Only in case of positive „GREEN“ decided hire purchase all numbers, amounts and information connected with this hire purchase should be presented to the customer on the final confirmation page in the shop. These includes: –     the duration selected by the customer (number of installments) –              the repayment plan (including alternative repayment plan) –              precontractual information (a link to the system hire purchase) –              total amount with designated interest amounts for hire purchase   All information are returned within parameters Process and Financing.
Processans..1024OContains general transaction data for a previous initialization. They are returned in JSON format and Base64 encoded. Example JSON format (already Base64 decoded):
Financingans..1024OContains financing data for a previous initialization. They are returned in JSON format and Base64 encoded. Example JSON format (already Base64 decoded):
CodeExtans..1024OError code from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support

Response parameters for retrieving installment information from easyCredit ratenkauf

2.4 Confirm hire purchase

To finally set a hire purchase with easyCredit via a Server-to-Server connection to “CONFIRMED”, call the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID proided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). The minimum and maximal value for easyCredit is 200-5000€.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
EventTokenenumMDefines the request to be made at easyCredit: <CON> Changes a transaction at easyCredit from PERMITTED to status CONFIRMED. The permission may not be older than 30 minutes and the previously requested easyCredit decision must be GREEN.
DatedttmODate of delivery of the sold services/goods in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Hence the delivery is automatically initiated together with the confirmation. Notice: For automatic delivery execution the merchant must be configured accordingly at First Cash Solution. Please contact First Cash Solution Support in this case.

Parameters for confirming a hire purchase with easyCredit ratenkauf

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs online payment system responds to your system

  • be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
CodeExtans..1024OError code from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support

Response parameters for confirming a hire purchase with easyCredit

2.5 Capture (notify a delivery)

To manually notify the delivery to easyCredit ratenkauf via a Server-to-Server connection, call the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). The minimum and maximal value for easyCredit is 200-5000€.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
DatedttmODate of delivery of the sold services/goods in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The delivery is initiated separately from the confirmation. Notice: For manual delivery execution the merchant must be configured accordingly at First Cash Solution. This can be overridden also with the parameter Capture. Please contact First Cash Solution Support in this case.
Capturean..6ODetermines the type and time of capture. AUTO: capturing immediately after authorisation (default value). MANUAL: capturing made by the merchant. Capture is normally initiated at time of delivery. <Number>: Delay in hours until the capture (whole number; 1 to 696).
ReqIDans..32OTo avoid double payments or actions (e.g. by ETM), enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction or action is submitted again with the same ReqID, the 1cs Online Payment System will not carry out the payment or new action, but will just return the status of the original transaction or action. Please note that the 1cs Online Payment System must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action (authentication/authorisation). This does not apply to 3-D Secure authentications that are terminated by a timeout. The 3-D Secure Timeout status does not count as a completed status in which the ReqID functionality on the 1cs Online Payment System does not take effect. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly. Notice: Please note that a ReqID is only valid for 12 month, then it gets deleted at the 1cs Online Payment System.

Parameters for capturing a hire purchase with easyCredit ratenkauf

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs online payment system responds to your system

  • be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
CodeExtans..1024OError code from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support

Response parameters for capturing a hire purchase with easyCredit ratenkauf

2.6 Credit (notify a reversed transaction)

To notify a reversed transaction to easyCredit via a Server-to-Server connection, call the following URL:


Notice: For security reasons, the 1cs Online Payment System rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter.

The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:

MerchantIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution. Additionally this parameter has to be passed in plain language too.
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Amountn..10MAmount in the smallest currency unit (e.g. EUR Cent) Please contact the 1cs support, if you want to capture amounts < 100 (smallest currency unit). The minimum and maximal value for easyCredit is 200-5000€.
Currencya3MCurrency, three digits DIN / ISO 4217, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP. Please find an overview here: A1 Currency table EN
MACan64MHash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA-256 algorithm. Details can be found here: HMAC Authentication (Request) HMAC Authentication (Notify)
DatedttmMDate the merchant received the reversed transaction in the format YYYY-MM-DD
ReqIDans..32OTo avoid double payments or actions (e.g. by ETM), enter an alphanumeric value which identifies your transaction and may be assigned only once. If the transaction or action is submitted again with the same ReqID, the 1cs Online Payment System will not carry out the payment or new action, but will just return the status of the original transaction or action. Please note that the 1cs Online Payment System must have a finalized transaction status for the first initial action (authentication/authorisation). This does not apply to 3-D Secure authentications that are terminated by a timeout. The 3-D Secure Timeout status does not count as a completed status in which the ReqID functionality on the 1cs Online Payment Systemdoes not take effect. Submissions with identical ReqID for an open status will be processed regularly. Notice: Please note that a ReqID is only valid for 12 month, then it gets deleted at the 1cs Online Payment System.

Parameters for reverse of a hire purchase with easyCredit ratenkauf

The following table describes the result parameters with which the 1cs online payment system responds to your system

  • be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters
  • the parameters (e.g. MerchantId, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
MIDans..30MMerchantID, assigned by First Cash Solution
PayIDan32MID assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System for the payment, e.g. for referencing in batch files as well as for capture or credit request.
XIDan32MID for all single transactions (authorisation, capture, credit note) for one payment assigned by the 1cs Online Payment System
TransIDans..64MTransactionID provided by you which should be unique for each payment
RefNrns..30OMerchant’s unique reference number Only ASCII characters are allowed. Special characters such as (“umlauts”, …) are not permitted and may have to be replaced by ASCII characters (e.g. ü → ue, é → e, …).
Statusa..50MOK (URLSuccess) or FAILED (URLFailure)
Descriptionans..1024MFurther details in the event that payment is rejected. Please do not use the Description but the Code parameter for the transaction status analysis!
Coden8MError code according to the 1cs Online Payment System Response Codes Excel file
CodeExtans..1024OError code from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support
ErrorTextans..1024OError text from easyCredit, if agreed with First Cash Solution Support

Response parameters for reverse of a hire purchase with easyCredit ratenkauf